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InverPad® Turbo Heat Pump
InverPad® Heat Pump
InverPad SE Heat Pump
Traditional Heat Pump
Vertical Pool Heat Pump
Commercial Heat Pump
North American Heat Pump
Heating & Circulation 2 in 1
Inverter Salt Chlorinator
Robotic Lawnmower
Intelligent Central Control System

Global trade is showing signs of recovery in the post-epidemic period. However, as the volume of exports outstrips imports in China, the global shipping industry is facing increasing backlogs and delays, causing the ripple effect and resulting in high shipping rates. In light of the evolving situation, we share the following tips for better guaranteeing your shipping plan.

1. Make Order Arrangements in Advance

With the global spread of covid-19, it may take longer for ships and containers entering from ports outside China to complete pandemic safety measures. The situation will become more challenging with the approach of the Chinese New Year. To cope with the box equipment shortages, we sincerely recommend you book shipments two to three weeks in advance or add more buffer time to ensure timely arrival.

2. Keep Close in Touch with Freight Forwarders

Problems including shortage of shipping containers, full shipping space, containers rejection, higher and higher ocean freight and so on have been troubling freight forwarders in recent months. Various unexpected factors make the punctuality rate of all routes unstable. Please communicate closely with our freight forwarders to keep up-to-date information.

3. Contact Aquark if Necessary

In case your freight forwarders have difficulties in booking the shipping space, please contact Aquark in time. Our professional freight forwarding partner will spare no effort to minimize the impact of potential flight disruptions and delays on your shipping plan.

As we can see, the peak season has arrived and the freight cost is rising to record levels. Thankfully, with the support of the government, shipping companies and container manufacturers have expanded shifts and boosted capacity to meet customer’s demand for marine stability. Meanwhile, Aquark team will closely track the status of each order to ensure smooth transportation.